Fodder - Pasture

- Virginie Seguin, David Garon, Servane Lemauviel, Caroline Lanier, Val´erie Bouchart, Yves Y. Gallard, Benoit Blanchet, Sylvain Diquelou, Emmanuelle Personeni, and Alain Ourry. How to improve the hygienic quality of forages for horse feeding. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92(4): 975 – 986, 2012. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.4680. URL

- Remy Delagarde,  Yvane Robic,  S´egol`ene Leurent-Colette,  and Luc Delaby.  HerbValo – a method for calculating annual pasture utilisation by dairy cows at paddock level. In 27. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (EGF), volume 23 of Grassland Science in Europe, page np, Cork, Ireland, June 2018. Wageningen Academic Publishers. URL

- Ga¨elle  Maxin,  Yves  Arrigo,  Dominique  Dozias,  Donato  Andueza,  Aline  Le  Morvan,  Ren´e  Baumont, and Luc Delaby. Prediction of the in vivo organic matter digestibility of cereal-legume intercrops silages. In 26. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (EGF), volume 21 of The multiple roles of grassland in the European bioeconomy, Trondheim, Norway, September 2016a. Wa- geningen Academic Publishers. URL

- Jocelyne Aufrere, Jean Claude Emile, Dominique Dozias, Luc Delaby, Aline Le Morvan, Philippe Barre,  and  Ren´e Baumont.  Variation  et  pr´evision  de  la valeur  ´energ´etique  de  l’ensilage  de  sorgho plante  enti`ere.  In  20.  Rencontres  autour  des Recherches  sur  les  Ruminants,  Rencontres  autour  des Recherches sur les Ruminants, page np, Paris, France, September 2013. Institut de l’Elevage - INRA. URL

- Catherine   TRILLAUD-GEYL,   Daniel   Leconte,   Jacques   J.   Cabaret,   G´eraldine   Fleurance,   and William  W.  Martin-Rosset.    Conduite  au  pˆaturage.   In  Alimentation  des  chevaux  :   Tables  des apports alimentaires Inra 2011, Savoir Faire (Quae), page 624 p. Editions Quae, 2012. URL

- V.  Seguin,  D.  Garon,  Servane  Lemauviel,  Yves  Y.  Gallard,  and  Alain  Ourry.  Comment  am´eliorer  la qualit´e  sanitaire des  fourrages  pour  r´eduire  les pathologies  respiratoires  ´equines  ?    Fourrages,  207: 181–188, 2011. URL

- Caroline Kohler, Annette Morvan-Bertrand, Servane Lemauviel-Lavenant, Yves Gallard, and Jean- Bernard Cliquet. Comparaison de l’impact de deux méthodes de r´enovation d’une prairie du domaine exp´erimental INRAE du Pin-au-Haras sur la productivit´e et l’´evolution des stocks de Carbone du sol : le resemis et le sursemis. Fourrages, (243):31–37, 2020. URL

- Luc Delaby, Loic Leloup, Frédéric Launay. At grazing, the nutritive value of grass offered to the dairy cow is like a ‘natural’ total mixed ration. 29. General meeting of the European Grassland Federation (EGF), Jun 2022, Caen, France. Wageningen academic publishers, Grassland Science in Europe, 27, pp.551-553, Grassland at the heart of circular and sustainable food systems. Proceedings of the 29th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation. ⟨hal-03749893⟩

- Claire Collas, Laurie Briot, Géraldine Fleurance, Dominique Dozias, Frédéric Launay, et al.. Soil ingestion by grazing horses and heifers. 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, European Federation of Animal Science, Sep 2022, Porto, Portugal. p. 721, Session 73. ⟨hal-04038772⟩