The animal digestibility workshop is back !

All of our animals, both dairy cows and heifers, are returned to the barn at the end of November and are fed grass silage, cereal-legume crops silage, silage wraps and hay. In order to provide data for the national feed tables, we want to know the digestibility of our forages. To do this, our sheep consume the same forages as our cows, following a precise and strict measurement protocol.


Since mid-October, our 21 castrated male Texel sheep have returned to the sheepfold, fed hay and barley.


digest mouton 1
© INRAE / A. Bachelet

How is the digestibility workshop
set up?

A feeding transition based on grass silage was carried out on our sheep from 24th November onwards, in order to accustom them to this forage. At the beginning of December, we weighed the 12 largest sheep to be used for digestibility.


For 4 days, we accustomed these 12 sheep to the individual boxes. On Friday 10 December, the sheep were moved into their boxes and we could start the measurement protocol. An adaptation of the ration was carried out over 6 days, with the aim of getting them used to eating only grass silage and being ad libitum. On Thursday 16 December, the measurements started:

Measuring ingestibility

  • Quantities of feed offered for each sheep
  • Quantities of the previous day's rejects for each sheep
  • Dry matter of offered and rejected feed (average sample)

Measuring digestibility

  • Amount of faeces produced per sheep
  • Dry matter of faeces produced per sheep
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© INRAE / A. Bachelet
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© INRAE / A. Bachelet
digest mouton 3
© INRAE / A. Bachelet

This grass silage digestibility workshop lasted 7 days; the sheep will be down tomorrow morning to join their mates at the sheepfold.

Le deuxième atelier de digestibilité aura lieu en janvier, sur de l’ensilage de méteil : nos moutons commencent donc leur seconde transition alimentaire sur l’ensilage de méteil la semaine prochaine !